Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Networking vs. Using the Phone

Anyone who knows me in a professional capacity knows that I am a big proponent of networking. It's important to make connections - they lead to opportunities.

However, it would be a mistake to think that all businesses can grow solely by networking.

Depending on your industry, you may find that the decision makers from the companies that you consider your "best customer" profile, do not attend networking events. (Seriously, I once went to an event for companies that fit my "best customer' profile and the only people there were others who wanted to make connections with these people. NONE of the people in attendance were in the "best customer" profile.)

If you think about it for a moment, you'll realize that's true.

If you've ever held a position that was not in sales, you'll know that most people do not attend networking events as part of their job. They come into work at 8 and leave by 6. Oh, on occasion they might attend a professional event, but that's pretty rare. They don't see or don't feel they have a need for the value of networking.

So what to do to reach them?

In the end, you've got to pick up the phone and call. And yes, that's frustrating.... and yes, it's not nearly as pleasant as talking to people with a canape in one hand and a glass of wine in the other... BUT it's probably more effective.

If you want to increase your business, use your phone for results.

Go ahead, go to the networking events for some human contact - particularly if you work solo - or to build alliances. Increasing your sales revenues? Pick up the phone.

(psst.... Need to know how to do that effectively and efficiently? Check out www.krgcommunications.com or send me a message at info@krgcommunications.com)

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